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Linda's Blog Weight Loss Blog #1 Getting Started


In her first weight loss blog post Linda discusses getting started, moving past feeling like a failure and putting herself in the right frame of mind.

So here it goes...

I've finally decided it's time - I'm going to share my goals with you through the Achieve Oxfordshire weight loss blog. Part of me is thinking it's hardly worth it as I'm sure I'll fall at the first hurdle (and I've got two huge boxes of chocolates left over from Christmas... One is still closed but it's tempting me every time I walk past the cupboard). Of course I have always known I have a weight issue. I know that when I put yet another piece of chocolate in my mouth or when I buy a snack at the garage on the way home from work. I've been down this road so many times I daren't count, as it makes me feel like I'm just a failure when it comes to eating.

Seize the day

So – I am set on starting now (though part of me just wants to leave it until next week, or the week after – or rather not having to worry about it. Fullstop. Ever. Again). And that's why I thought it might be good to do a blog. That way, though I am doing it on my own, it feels a little more committed. I feel like whoever reads this will want to see me do well and that spurs me on. It helps to have someone on your side. It's almost as if that in itself is strong enough to stop me next time I go past the garage. In my blog I also want to be brutally honest – with myself as well as with anyone reading this. Because as a serial dieter I have learned one thing: most of the time it's myself I am kidding and I am sick and tired of that. You know the thoughts, " just the one won’t hurt, start again on Monday, I just have to finish this off so it won't tempt me any more..." and the vicious cycle continues.

How do I start?

I guess I will have to get the dreaded scales out. Though on second thoughts it might be better to weigh myself in a couple of weeks when I will feel like I have already achieved something... So, cutting down on what I eat. First of all that 2nd box of chocolates has to go. So that will come with me to work tomorrow. Make me popular with my colleagues and remove temptation, two birds with one stone and all that. And other than that I need to make sure I have enough fruit and veg to munch on, because if I know one thing that throws me off track straight away, it is when I am feeling hungry and there is nothing healthy in the house. Wish me luck. I'm using a wall chart to track my progress throughout the month, it has a few handy tips to get started.  And stay with me, will you? (tempted to go for the leftover chocolates in the already opened tin, but think I will settle for jacket with beans tonight...).

Click the 'Start' button below to download your free wall chart. Linda Start


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